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What's going on right now in the club....

HCC is currently riding to our Winter schedule, which is a single 'no-drop' ride at 9:00am from The George. Depending on the abilities of those who turn up, the ride will be between 14 and 15 mph and ride for around 30-35 miles. However, if you're at all concerned that this is a bit much, please contact us beforehand and we'll either modify the main ride or try and put on a subsidiary ride to suit. Our aim is to get you riding, not to intimidate! The ride will not take place in bad weather.


There may sometimes be an earlier, faster, ride from The George Inn, Hadleigh High Street, weather and ride leaders permitting. This will generally be at around 15-16mph, and cover 35-40 miles.


All of our official rides are 'no drop', however occasionally additional faster or slower rides may be organised via Spond by members on an ad-hoc basis. All HCC rides conform to our Code of Conduct.

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