HCC Policies for the safety of its members.
Inevitably, there's quite a lot to know and understand about our responsibilities to our members, and our obligations as riders within HCC rides. Most of the time, common sense and courtesy will suffice, but that isn't always the case. Please take the time to read these policies, and to remember where to access them if you're ever in a situation where you might need to invoke them.
1. Data Protection Policy 2023
2. Code of Conduct for All Club Rides
4. Website Privacy Policy 2023
6. Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy 2023
7. Safeguarding - Information for Members 2023
Hadleigh Cycling Club
Code of Conduct for All Club Rides
This code of conduct is devised for the safety and benefit of the club and its members. It outlines the minimum standards expected on all rides. Some activities/events may have additional rules or codes of conduct. If in doubt, consult your ride leader.
Hadleigh Cycling Club provides a varied programme of rides that may include social rides, family rides, club rides and training rides. Distances, pace and routes of rides will vary and be determined by the ride leader depending on weather and road conditions, as well as the capability of the participants. Please contact the club for more information if you have any queries.
Guiding Principles
Club rides are not races and members are expected to treat them appropriately.
When riding as a club, or when solo but in club kit, riders must:
• follow the Highway Code
• be civilised and courteous behave in a manner that does not represent Hadleigh CC in a bad light
• act for their own safety and well-being and that of your fellow club members
• respect all other riders and road users.
• be responsible for their own health and safety at all times.
Respecting the Highway Code
All riders must adhere to the Highway Code. Disregard for the Highway Code and behaviour that endangers yourself or others may lead to disciplinary action by the committee and the relevant authorities
Ride Discipline and Conduct
Riders should never ride more than two abreast.
Be aware of riders behind you. It is a good practice to do a “life-saver” check and communicate your intention before you manoeuvre.
Try to ride smoothly and don't brake without warning if it can be avoided.
Shout warnings and signal to other riders if there is a danger or hazards on the road.
Groups should allow appropriate gaps in traffic and slow to allow enough time for the entire group to negotiate obstacles.
Should the group be split, riders should slow down or find a safe place to stop and reform before proceeding.
The group should always stop and assist any of its riders suffering from mechanical or physical problems.
The group should always wait for the last rider, unless the rider has requested to be left, or an agreement made with everyone’s consent that the group will not wait for dropped riders (be aware of the potential for someone to be intimidated into agreeing when they are not comfortable with the decision).
No rider should leave the group without first notifying other riders, preferably the ride leader.
Adults should always be aware that age related differences exist and conduct themselves in a manner that both recognises this and prioritises the welfare of children and young people.
Anti-bullying: Hadleigh Cycling Club believes that every effort must be made to eradicate bullying in all its forms. The Club will not tolerate bullying in any of its forms whilst participating in any club activity, event or session.
Transport: Hadleigh Cycling Club club believes it is primarily the responsibility of parents/carers to transport their child/children to and from events, activities and club sessions.
Social media: Think very carefully before contacting a young person via mobile phone, e-mail or social media. Do not accept children as contacts on social networking sites if you hold a position of trust with children/young people. In general stick to group communications, copy the communication to a parent and only communicate about organisational matters
Photographs of children: Children should always be consulted about the use of their image and give consent to it being used and shared. For young people under 16, you should also get parental consent to use an image. For 16- to 17-year-olds, you should decide if it's appropriate to obtain parental consent, depending on the activity and the young person’s circumstances. If you decide you do not need parental consent, then consider whether you should still inform parents that the child’s photograph is being shared. In most circumstances, parents have a legal parental responsibility for their children up to the age of 18.
Ride Leader
The ride leader is the official representative of the club and his or her instructions should be followed. The ride leader must be a club member and will endeavour to ensure that the ride is conducted in a safe and well-organised fashion. All riders must assist the leader in this duty.
Dealing with Mechanical Problems
To ensure mechanical problems are minimised, riders must keep their bikes in roadworthy condition and perform a basic pre-ride check. A tool kit should be carried that includes, at the very least, the following:
- pump, gas canisters or other means of inflating tyres
- spare inner-tube
- puncture repair kit
- tyre levers
- tools such as various sizes Allen keys, spanners or screwdrivers appropriate to your cycle.
Dealing with Accidents & Injuries
Our ride leaders are first aid trained. Ensure all accidents and injuries are reported to the ride leader so the appropriate actions can be taken. If the first aider is unable to help for whatever reason the emergency services may be called where necessary. The injured participant(s) should be accompanied until help arrives. Riders who have pre-existing medical conditions and special requirements should inform the ride leader prior to setting off so the emergency services or other medical professionals can be correctly informed in the aftermath of an accident or the onset of the medical condition.
Food and Clothing
For insurance* (not legal) purposes, a helmet is a must for all club rides! You should always dress appropriately and be prepared for adverse weather conditions. Some club runs include a café stop, however you should carry sufficient drinks and food for the entire ride.
Use of Aerobars
While the club accepts that aerobars may be permanently attached to your bike, please make effort to remove detachable aerobars for group rides to mitigate the risks of accidents. Please do not bring a TT bike to a group ride unless the ride is specifically for TT training.
Some ride leaders will enforce mudguard use during the winter months of October to March and in wet weather. Check with the ride leader for clarification.
Child Protection Policy (updated February 2022)
Riders under 16 must be accompanied by their guardian or an approved coach. Riders between 16 and 18 years must have a parental consent note. They must be at a suitable standard for the envisaged ride. Ride Leaders will discuss the conduct of the ride with guardians and children before each ride, and clarify any contingency procedures. PARENTS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN THE INDEMNITY FORM (Page 2 of this document) BEFORE THEIR UNDER-16 CHILDREN PARTICIPATE IN ANY HCC-LED RIDE. HCC espouses the principles of the British Cycling Safeguarding Policy. Members - including, and especially, children - with any concerns should contact our wonderful Club Welfare Officer, Kate Billingham, at 07710 757470 or by email.
Guidance for Ride Leaders when children are present on adult rides
HCC policy on Ride Leaders' conduct and responsibilities are contained in our Guidance document, available to all here as a PDF which can be downloaded and printed.
Getting Home Again
If you are not confident of finishing the ride or your bike has a mechanical problem, let other riders know as soon as possible. The ride leader and the group will do all they can to assist you, but they can only do so if they are aware of your problem. The group will be supportive, but you must not expect them to solve your problem for you. If you are not confident about fixing any mechanical issues on your ride, tell your ride leader before you start and, as a group, you can make a plan for any contingencies. Do carry a mobile phone, and let your loved ones know where your ride is going - you may well be able to allow them to track you on your ride, which can be helpful if you have an unfixable problem.
* The club is insured for third-party claims against its ride leaders. Individual riders are not insured by the club or by British Cycling unless they are members of that, or another, organisation. HCC strongly recommends you have some kind of insurance. Third-party and legal indemnity insurance may be provided by your household insurer, or by membership of a national cycling organisation. Medical, bicycle, recovery, and other personal cycling insurance may be obtained from organisations like Laka Insurance. For more information, do contact the club directly and hopefully a committee member can advise. Alternatively, visit Cycling UK, British Cycling and/or Laka websites for more info.
Use of Photographs
Hadleigh CC is proud of its activities and we like to publicise them on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, and occasionally in print media too. Members are warmly invited to send photographs to a Committee member for such uses, or to upload them directly to our Facebook page. If you prefer that your image is not used in this way, you have the option on joining the Club of withholding permission for this. If you wish to change your preference subsequently, please inform us either by using the Contact form on the website or from within the Spond App.
While we will do our best to ensure that your image is not used if you have indicated that preference, some group photos may inadvertently include your image. If your image appears in an online HCC publication and you would like it removed, please contact any member of the Committee and we will sort it out as soon as we can. If your image appears inadvertently in print obviously we will not be able to withdraw it. We will do our best to filter images before they are offered for publication, but sometimes mistakes are made and we can only apologise in advance if this occurs.